Outputs & Results
Here you can find outputs and results from OatFrontiers!

OatFrontiers outputs and results
OatFrontier's objective is to increase possibilities for oat cultivation in Northern Europe. In the field trials, we will identify the cultivars best adapted to the climatic conditions within the NPA territory. On this page you will find our newsletters, reports and other deliverables.
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OatFrontiers workshops
Read more about our workshops.
OatFrontiers Stakeholder Workshop was held 8th of October in Headquarters of the Land and Forest (L&F) institute in Gunnarsholt, Iceland. There were ~40 attendees in person and ~30 participants online.
As part of the activities in the Oat Frontiers project a workshop was held in 2024. The aim of the workshop was to bring together stakeholders and scientists in the field, to share experiences and knowledge and to engage in a discussion of opportunities and challenges in oat cultivation in the NPA. In the attendance were scientists, agricultural advisors, farmers and seed producers.
The program started with welcoming words from Gústav Ásbjörnsson on behalf of the L&F. Followed by Juho Hautsalo project leader who gave general introduction about Oat Frontiers.
The next session on knowledge sharing, Fiona Doohan (UCD) gave insights into the Healthy Oats project reviewing the challenged of mycotoxins in oats for human consumption. Then, Hilde Halland and Sigríður Dalmannsdóttir (NIBIO) told participants about lessons from the Northern Cereals project, where barley was grown in the NPA region and products developed for human consumption. Örn Karlsson (ICE) an Icelandic oat farmer, told us the story of the only Icelandic oat product on the market. The session ended with Catherine Howarth (AU) who told us about Oats in Wales and the effect of climate on the phenology of oats.
The last session of the workshop was discussion led by Helgi Eyleifur Þorvaldsson (AUI) about increasing oat cultivation in Iceland and in the Northern periphery area. The lively discussion concluded that there are great possibilities for oat cultivation in the area but with hindrances, the first one being access to seed of oats adapted to the area. Scientists pointed out that the material exists and seed producers agreed. The workshop ended in the field day, whith a guided tour around the oat material in trials at Gunnarsholt.

OatFrontiers field days
Read more about field days organized in different NPA countries.
Read more about field day in Loue, Finland in 2024.
Read more about field day in Lännäs, Sweden 2024.
Read more about field day in Iceland 2024.