Programme Documents
This page gives an overview of the main programme documents.
This page gives an overview of the main programme documents: the official Cooperation Programme documents, the Programming documents and other resources that are relevant at programme level. Documents related to calls, project reporting, project communication, news and events can be found in the respective sections of the website.
Interreg NPA Post 2027 Harvesting report
On 19th December 2024, the Harvesting Report for the Post-2027 Consultation of Interreg NPA stakeholders was submitted to the European Commission. This report summarises the results from different consultation activities carried out by the programme during the summer and autumn, to provide input for the discussions about the post-2027 Interreg framework.
List of Operations
The list of operations is the list of all projects approved by the Interreg NPA 2021-2027. We use the portal to generate the list of approved projects, which is extracted directly from our monitoring system (Jems). Click on the link below to download the latest list of approved projects.
DownloadCooperation Programme Document
The Cooperation Programme is the official document submitted to the European Commission outlining the programme rationale, strategy and target. The document was approved by the European Commission on 9th September 2022. In addition to the full version, we have created "Citizen summary" version of the Cooperation programme document for quick access to our strategy and funding opportunties.
Interreg NPA Cooperation Programme Approved
The official document submitted and approved by the European Commission on 9th September 2022
Interreg NPA Brief Introduction
An introduction to the Interreg NPA programme, or a citizens' friendly version of the Cooperation Programme document, this publication gives an overview of the programme strategy and functioning.
5W Interreg NPA Infographic
This infographic answers the “5 Ws” of Interreg NPA: where is the programme, why do we need this cooperation, what do we offer, who can participate, and how does it work. It helps to quickly introduce people who are new to the programme to understand its goal and how to access funding.
Reporting to the EU Commission
Data on implementation transmitted to the European Commission in line with Article 42 of the EU Reg on Common Provision.
Programming documents
The Interreg NPA programme is the result of a consultation process where the area and its policy context were analysed to identify the common goals and strategy. The documents in this section form the backbone of the Interreg NPA 2021-2027. The reports in this section have been prepared by the EPRC (European Policies Research Centre), University of Strathclyde.
Area Analysis
The overall objective of the area analys is to set out a summary of the main joint challenges, taking into account: (i) economic, social and territorial disparities; (ii) joint investment needs and complementarity with other forms of support; (iii) lessons learnt from past experience; and (iv) macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies. For the NPA 2021-2027 this also includes the EU Arctic Policy.
Strategic Environmental Assessment Report
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a procedure to determine likely significant environmental impacts of the Interreg NPA before it is implemented. Evaluations of past NPA programmes have demonstrated primarily positive environmental impacts resulting from programme interventions. With this in mind, the SEA of the NPA aims at identifying both potentially negative and positive programme impacts, which could be enhanced.
Policy Context Annex
The NPA programme has extensive experience of adding value and working within the complex policy, programme and institutional networks in place across the area. This report outlines the scope for the Interreg NPA 2021-2027 to work in ways that are complementary and develop synergies is valuable to the Programme to maximise impact.