COPOWER contacts

Explore the contacts page on COPOWER with partners and like-minded enthusiasts dedicated to building public sector innovation capacity.

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Lead Partner


The European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology (Ireland) is an international network for European cities and regions. It was formed in 1991 to jointly pursue digital transformation funding, development and transfer of know-how opportunities.

Project Partner

CENTRIA University of Applied Sciences

Centria UAS has about 4,400 students and 340 employees, producing and offering knowledge with a big heart. The UAS’s operating model is based on processes: learning process and the process of research, development and innovation.

Project Partner

Donegal County Council

DCC is one of the largest Local Authorities in Ireland and is continuously developing new technologies to better the efficiencies and work practices within the various services of the Council. It has experience in implementing smart technologies and energy management systems to improve energy efficiency and consumption levels.

Project Partner

Nolsoy Energy Ltd

Spf Nólsoyar Orkufelag was established in 2010 as a locally owned energy company. It has gathered extensive household energy data over more than a decade as well as investigated a wide range of space heating energy technologies. It has also erected a 220kW wind turbine to produce renewable energy for space heating on the island of Nólsoy.

Project Partner

University of Iceland

The UI is a public research university in Reykjavík, Iceland, and the country's oldest and largest institution of higher education.

Project Partner

University of Oulu

Founded in 1958, the University of Oulu is an international science university that creates new knowledge, well-being and innovations for the future through research and education. It is one of the largest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland.