Horizontal principles
Towards a greener, more inclusive, and gender balanced NPA.

What are horizontal principles?
Horizontal principles are all the principles and practices that the project is including into its planning, implementation, and evaluation to ensure that its activities are carried out in an environmentally friendly manner, the perspectives and interests of all the genders are considered, and that people of all genders, ages, nationalities, cultures, religious, identities, ethnic affiliations, sexual orientations, and people with disabilities have the same opportunity and possibility to join the project activities, get to know about the achievements, and benefit from project results.
Sharing is inspiring!
The Interreg NPA prepared a list of ideas and recommendations to inspire you how to make your project greener, more inclusive and gender balanced. Use these as an inspiration and be motivated to follow up with your practices!

Towards a greener NPA!
Curious how to ensure that the project activities are carried out in an environmentally friendly manner, contributing to sustainable development in the NPA areas, and avoiding or reducing negative effects on the environment? Check out our guidance!

Towards an inclusive NPA!
Interested in how to ensure that people of all genders, ages, nationalities, cultures, religious, identities, ethnic affiliations, sexual orientations, and people with disabilities will have the same opportunity and possibility to join the project activities, get to know about the achievements, and benefit from the results? Check out our guidance!
Tick the boxes in our Checklist
Interreg NPA has created this checklist to assist the projects on their way towards greener and more inclusive events, meetings, and activities. In the document below, you will find concrete ideas of what to consider when planning your next meeting, event, or a project activity such as workshop, training, or site visit.
Watch our tutorials about Horizontal Principles
Watch these tutorials to learn about the rationale and importance of including Horizontal Principles in your project development and implementation. Learn also how to work with your partners to find the best practices already available in the partnership and how to report to the programme.
Why Horizontal Principles matter
Sustainable development, gender equality, non-discrimination, accessibility and inclusion of underrepresented groups, are core values of the European Union and should be incorporated in every Interreg NPA project.
How to report on Horizontal Principles
The goal of this tutorial is to introduce the guiding materials for horizontal principles reporting, inspire and motivate project managers to actively promote greater inclusion and sustainability in their project activities, and explain how to report on horizontal principles.
Hearing the voice of youth in Northern Periphery and Arctic
Following the Youth Manifesto from 2020 and the European Year of Youth, Interreg NPA invited young people from all 7 northern periphery and arctic regions to join its Annual Conference in Bodø in November 2022. Read here how these young people would like to make their communities more attractive for future generations, and how they wish to be included in co-creating a greener, more digital and inclusive future.
Youth in the NPA