Manuals & Tutorials
Your gateway to our guidance documentation, Programme Manual, templates and tutorials.

On this page you can access all our supporting documentation: Programme Manual, Jems User Manual as well as templates, FAQ and links to our video tutorials. Scroll down and browse to find the document which will answer to (almost all) your questions. And if you do not find your answer here, please get in touch if you need additional help or support.
Programme Manual
This manual is targeted at those willing to apply with the NPA programme, and at those who are already running an Interreg NPA project. It contains the essential information needed for developing and implementing an Interreg NPA project.
Go to the Programme Manual

Jems User Manual
The Jems User Manual is a step-by-step description of all processes taking place in Jems. With the help of screenshots, FAQ and tutorials we assist you through all phases of the project cycle. start video tutorials
This is a series of short video tutorials to introduce you to the Interreg NPA programme and Jems.
10 things to improve your project application
This is a short video tutorial for all Interreg NPA project applicants about 10 things that will help them improve the quality of their project application.
How to submit an application in Jems
Towards a greener, more inclusive and gender-balanced NPA
Sustainable development, gender equality, non-discrimination, accessibility and inclusion of underrepresented groups, are core values of the European Union and should be incorporated in every Interreg NPA project.
EU Publicity requirements
This is a short video tutorial for all Interreg NPA project beneficiaries about the mandatory requirements for communicating EU funding.
Preparatory projects Final Report
This is a short video tutorial for Lead Partners of Preparatory projects about how to create and submit a Final project report. Please refer to the Jems User manual, Programme Manual and offline templates for further guidance.