
THREADs partners in Borås

At the end of February, partners from the Interreg project THREADS gathered in Borås for a two-day workshop. Hosted by Science Park Borås, the event focused on exploring practical solutions for handling textile waste in the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. With the theme "Re-imagine textile," the discussions centered around redefining textiles as a valuable resource and highlighting the critical role design plays in enabling circular flows.


From design table to sorting facility – building tomorrow's circular textile flows

At the end of February, partners from the Interreg project THREADs gathered in Borås for a two-day workshop. Hosted by Science Park Borås, the event focused on exploring practical solutions forhandling textile waste in the NorthernPeriphery and Arctic region. With the theme "Re-imagine textile," the discussions centered around redefining textiles as a valuable resource and highlighting the critical role design playsin enabling circular flows.

From disposable to valuable resource

Addressing textile waste requires a fundamental shift in mindset – viewing textiles not as disposable items, but as resources that can live multiple lives. This shift starts in the design process, where circularity can be built into products from the outset, but it also extends to redesigning and reusing textiles already in circulation. This holistic approach to circularity was the core focus of the two-day workshop. Participants explored research and innovations that illustrate how design decisions – both at the product's birth and in its second life – shape opportunities for reuse, redesign, and material recycling.

The program opened with a visit to the Swedish School of Textiles, where participants got a brief introduction to the fiber, weaving, and knitting labs. These facilities are open to both students and external companies seeking to test new techniques and materials. Although technical innovation plays an important role in sustainable material flows, the workshop emphasized that design is the foundation for enabling circularity. Participants heard from Anna Lidström, Sweden's only PhD in redesign, and Clemens Thornquist, Professor at the Department of Design at the University of Borås. Together, they highlighted the importance of grounding design practice in research and thinking critically about materials and processes from the very start.

“Thinking circularly is not just about designing for recyclability. It’s about rethinking how we use textiles entirely – seeing textiles as resources that can have multiple lives in many different forms,” said Anna Lidström.

Local solutions for global challenges

Participants also visited XV Production – a small-scale production facility in Borås specializing in remake and recycled materials. XV Production is a clear example of how smaller actors can contribute to circular transformation while creating local jobs and shortening supply chains.
A visit to Wargön Innovation provided insights into how sorting technology and new circular flows are being developed in practice. The visit also included a joint meeting with three ongoing Interreg projects: THREADs, SorTex, and TRÅD. The aim was to identify synergies between the projects, find shared challenges, and explore solutions that could benefit all. By connecting projects in this way, results can be amplified, and both political and industry impact can grow.

Knowledge-sharing and collaboration drive progress

“The complexity of textile products was truly eye-opening during the visit. We were also inspired by the many ways to extend their lifespan. It will be exciting to see what solutions our project partners develop locally,” said Anna Tervonen, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) and Project Manager for THREADs.

A key takeaway from the workshop was a shared understanding of the need to see textiles as resources from the very first design sketches – while also adapting circular systems to the unique challenges of sparsely populated regions. Collection, sorting, and recycling don’t work the same way everywhere, making cross-border collaboration all the more important. This kind of knowledge exchange is at the heart of THREADs.

By combining innovation, research, and practical examples, THREADs partners aim to help shape the future of circular textiles – even in remote areas where long distances and low population density present additional challenges.


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