
Give your sneakers another chance

Why toss your worn-out sneakers when a little care can bring them back to life? THREADs can help you discover how to give your favourite pair a second chance.

Sneakers have a rough life, honestly. They serve us dutifully, take us over the crossroads, down the street and through the rain and sleet, especially here in the North. So it's no wonder that they often end up looking a bit weary. One might think it's time to buy a new pair - but is that really the way we should go? We think not.
There are a lot of ways to take care of shoes, which we got to look into in a workshop THREADs and Arkivé Atelier organized together last week, at the Visit KAMK event in Kajaani. Arkivé Atelier's Maria from Oulu, Finland taught a whole bunch of sneaker wearers to clean and care for our sneakers in the best way possible to keep them looking good and to give them as long of a life as possible. This way we save money, our favorite pair of shoes, and arguably the most important of all - we help the environment.

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