
Connected Technology to support the Health of the Working Population in Northern Remote Areas

What is Tech2Heal

Tech2Heal is a project with the clear objective of implementing connected health technology with a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques to measure and monitor well-being of citizens in order to reduce the growing trend of early retirement and long terms absenteeism from work due to ill health.

Why do we need it in the NPA regions?

NPA countries are facing work absenteeism and early retirement owed to poor physical and mental health. Appropriate healthcare services in these sparsely populated regions that help people get back into  work, such as occupational therapy/counselling, are currently under strain, difficult to access, expensive and underfunded.

Poor health in working older people with chronic diseases and inadequate healthcare leads to early retirement, resulting in fewer tax contributions, and strain on health and welfare services.

Tech2Heal will use a combination of qualitative/quantitative methods to fully understand the reasons behind these health related early retirements and absenteeism, including ubiquitous technology to monitor work-life balance.

Its ultimate goals are to help employees/self-employees to gain resilience and awareness to live healthier for longer; and propose suitable changes to work/health policies.

Objectives of the Tech2Heal preparatory project

The main objective of the project was to build a consortium and submit a main project proposal to NPA Interreg programme. This was achieved. To get to that point we had to carry out a feasibility study of the project concept, to ensure it was a viable idea, develop a communication strategy, build a suitable consortium of partners from across the NPA regions, and finally develop the main proposal with the new consortium.

Hero photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Project priority


Project period





Lead Partner

Atlantic Technological University

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Project info


1.2 Reaping the benefits of digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities

Total Budget

48.990,68 EUR

NPA Co-Financing

31.843,93 EUR

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