Outputs & Results

SMEs, and in particular sustainability-focused SMEs, in the NPA face more challenges to achieving success than typical SMEs. Target Circular’s objective is to create resources for, and upskill, business support organisations and clusters in 3 areas: 1. Supporting circular SMEs specifically, 2. Address opportunities for innovation and expansion of service provision to SMEs, and 3. Capitalise on new evidence regarding how best to improve SME rates of job creation, growth, and competitiveness.


The Target Circular project is a collaboration between institutions in Ireland, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden, and builds on recent research into how businesses can use a more scientific approach to decision-making. Recent research found that advisors can increase their clients’ success by using a particular decision-making approach the team are calling ‘strategy mapping’ which in recent trials with start-ups around the world has been proven to increase revenue, start-up survival and hiring. Target Circular will provide business founders with cutting-edge tools and knowledge to transition towards circular practices, incorporating waste valorisation, environmental partnerships, and sustainable supply chains. These tools will empower businesses to make informed decisions, identifying pathways to sustainable success and avoiding pitfalls. The project aims to create and disseminate materials with business advisors and policymakers in each participating country, promoting evidence-based policies and training approaches to increasing Sustainable SMEs success.