
NPA SelfCare project kick-off in Limerick

Finally, the day came we all looked forward to in the project partnership – the in-person kick-off and launch of our NPA SelfCare project. The University of Limerick, School of Medicine, kindly hosted the event and ensured fantastic surroundings for our two-day project discussions, alignment and team building.


Day 1: Welcome in Limerick and let’s get started

The focus at the kick-off was to confirm the overall project objectives and discuss the partners expected gains from and involvement in the project. We used the morning session to align the understanding of the project vision and goals and went through the work packages objectives, activities and outcome. This morning session brought the partnership team even closer together in understanding our roles and commitment in the project by outlining the stakeholders and target groups challenges and needs and not at least similarities in receiving culturally appropriate health care services.

A local cultural tour and taste of Limerick

The afternoon sessions were planned to give the us a deeper understanding of the cultural history of Limerick. We started by walking a through the beautiful medieval city of Limerick and had a guided tour of King John’s Castle with over 800 years of dramatic local history of life. After our city walk and castle visit, we well-deserved a visit to Limerick’s mischievous masters of innovative beer - the ‘Treaty City Brewery’ and learned about the history of brewing and of course beer tasting. The day ended at a local pub with great food, folk music and Irish step dancing..

Day 2: Planning and way forward

Full of inspiration from day 1, we rolled up the sleeves and started the second day by going through the project plan with focus on activities, roles and responsibilities. We also discussed how we would like to work best as a team and what platform, meeting frequency and communication would work the best for us. A lot of other topics were discussed such as the project’s horizontal principles, external communication and we completed the first project risk evaluation.

The day ended with a fantastic dinner at the University Club Plassey House East Room which was a great completing  of the two-day project kick-off.

The two-day kick-off was filled with inspiration, insights and gave the team an opportunity to align and to have a solid shared commitment and created the ground for a successful project going forward.

Warm thanks go to our partners and local hosts for making this kickoff such a memorable success. Let’s build on these experiences and bring this into our future collaboration in NPA SelfCare.

More news from the project


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