Demonstrating New Generation Robotics and Smart Manufacturing
The RoboDemo project (Demonstrating New Generation Robotics and Smart Manufacturing to SMEs in the NPA Region) aims to spread information about automation and robotics within the micro and SME companies of the NPA area.

About RoboDemo
Companies in the Interreg NPA area face several challenges including being far from their target markets, struggling to compete internationally, and dealing with shortages in skilled labor, low productivity, and outdated manual work methods. They also need to focus on sustainable development in their products, processes, and services. Additionally, the lack of knowledge about suitable technological solutions, their benefits, and how to apply them, along with a reluctance to invest in robotics and automation, hampers growth and the adoption of smart manufacturing. To tackle these issues, the RoboDemo project is introducing new-generation robotics and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies like collaborative robots (cobots), mobile robots, drones, and intelligent automation. These technologies have shown promising cost-effectiveness and ease of implementation compared to traditional methods. The main goal of the project is to create a model for efficient cross-national technology transfer to support businesses in the NPA area. This involves leveraging the expertise of a consortium to encourage the adoption of smart manufacturing and I4.0 technologies for business growth. Centria has developed a technology transfer service concept that includes rapid experiments and demonstrations using transferable devices directly at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or within industrial environments. Simulation software will also be used to illustrate technological solutions. Ultimately, the project aims to enhance competitiveness and innovation among manufacturing companies in the region.