The Leadership Training Programme 2024-2026

A peer-to-peer learning concept for Rural Social Enterprises

Peer-to-peer learning

In 2024 the MERSE project partners recruited in total 12 rural Social Enterprises from the five participating NPA regions to participate in the about 1,5 years of leadership training in the Leadership Training programme to pilot new procedures and transfer practices and develop a peer-to-peer learning concept for Rural Social Enterprises.

About the programme

Why did we decide to run a Leadership Training programme and how does it work? Read more about that, and get to know our facilitators here.

Kick-off in Galway, Ireland October 2024

During one week in October, the Leadership Training programme started up in Galway, Ireland. Read more about it here.

The Leadership Training Programme started

Meet the facilitators

Who are they and what do they work with? Here you can read more about the participating facilitators.

Caroline Ní Nualláin, Ireland

Manager, Comharchumann Forbartha Mhúscraí development cooperative. Cork, Ireland. Mission statement: “Tradition, Language, Future – To provide a community development service to the entire community in the Múscraí Gaeltacht in the interest of the local area, with the continuance and preservation of the Irish language, and promotion of tradition central to all aspects of our work.” Gteic is a digital hub. Projects operating from the Gteic under the auspices of Múscraí Development Cooperative: Renewable Energy, Cultural Tourism, Language Planning, Techspace.

Roseann Ní Ghallachóir, Ireland

Roseann Ní Ghallachóir, Manager of CDP na Rosann CTR. Misson Statement: To overcome the effects of disadvantage in the Rosses area by actively promoting participation, equality of opportunity and social inclusion through building awareness, abilities, facilities and supporting local community development initiatives.

Eileen Davis, Ireland

The Center to Commemorate the Emigrant & Diaspora Na Gaeltachta. I work in a community based social enterprise which was founded, built & being developed by a voluntary community development group. Funding through the department of the Gaeltacht with match funding from our own efforts.

Heiðrún Björk Jóhannsdóttir, Iceland

Artist and handcraft co-working space Netagerðin, Ísafjörður, Iceland. Netagerðin's mission is to provide a collaborative space where artists and designers can gather to share ideas, develop their projects, and bring their visions to fruition. It strives to be a cultural and artistic center in the community, promoting creativity and teamwork. Community Membership organisations that exist for a particular purpose and trade commercially with the goal of operating to reinvest profits into the community - community enterprises, community centres, housing cooperatives, community interest organizations, certain smaller shops, and sports clubs.

Anna Þórarinsdóttir, Iceland

Galdrasyning Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft. Hólmavík, Iceland. The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft is a non-profit organisation responsible for operating its exhibitions, events, publications, and more. We strive towards educating, researching and innovating, and to be active in our Strandir community. The museum in Holmavik has expanded over the years and now fills both of the old warehouses by the harbour. Over the last few years, a restaurant has been added and therefore guests can stop for a longer period of time and visit the shop without entering the exhibition. The exhibition visitors have grown in numbers in line with the increasing number of international guests to Iceland. The most visitors we have received in one year is 19 thousand. In the Museum’s first years, most visitors were Icelandic but that has changed drastically and now, 70% of our guests come from other countries.

Birta Ósmann Þórhallsdóttir, Iceland

Skrida, Patreksfjörður, Iceland Skrida is a publishing house and print workshop with a social mission to enrich the conversation and interest in literature in the countryside, as well as to offer an open space for all who wants to create and are interested in arts and bookmaking. Another social mission is to make bookmaking sustainable, by making all the books in the hometown instead of printing it somewhere else, and to recycle and reuse all paper leftovers for something new

Veronica Schanke Reinås, Norway

Eikra Gård, Hell, Norway Eikra Gård is a project, a dream and a goal we have been working towards for many years. Our vision is to create a place where everyone, regardless of ethnicity or background, can feel welcome and safe, be inspired and motivated by the interaction between people and animals and integrate into society in a natural way.

Jarle Selven, Norway

Velferdsbygget, Hasselvika, Norway. We are a group of friends who remember the Velferdsbygget (Welfare Building) in its glory days, when it was full of life and excitement here: Canteen, large hall with various activities for young and old in the town, Nice music room that the young people in the village could use. Billiards, table tennis and games machines in the hall. We have many good memories from here, and our intention is that this offer will be revived here in Hasselvika. That is why we have now started a company together, bought back the building and started the restoration. Our bylaws are also such that all income must go back to renovation, maintenance and operation of the building, so we do this for the town and not to make money.

Tiia Muotkavaara, Finland

Pohjoisesta luonnosta Oy, Pelkosenniemi, Lapland, Finland. Pohjoisesta luonnosta Oy is a family business based in Lapland. Tiia is responsible for providing the company's expert services and her husband Mika mainly provides tourism services. They also operate as an herb, mushroom, and berry shop with a concept that no one else has. They have a social enterprise mark granted by Suomalaisen Työn Liitto.

Tiina Varjamo, Finland

Perheiden Paikka, North Karelia, Finland. Perheiden paikka is an association that carries out long-term low-threshold child protection work. Currently, they offer project-based support for separation and domestic violence. They also provide meeting place services and professional support person services. They operate from two locations in North Karelia.

Thomas Andersson, Sweden

Byggis, Fåker, Sweden. Thomas runs a trade in recycled building materials and fixtures and furniture through Byggis in Fåker. The company works for increased circularity and reduced environmental impact through the reuse of furniture and building materials. Thomas is also the vice chairman of Coompanion Sweden and Coompanion Jämtland Härjedalen, which are individually considered social enterprises. He is also a leader in the community center in Fåker, which lives on sold services and arrangements to keep the community center running.

Emma Ruzicka, Sweden

Studion Åre, Åre, Sweden. Studion Åre – a workshop, meeting place and shop for creativity and local brands. Always with a focus on modern craftsmanship, local production and sustainability. We are a collective of companies, craftsmen and non-profit forces who, through our small-scale productions based on circular business models, workshops, lectures and events for the public, work to strengthen the sustainable cultural offer in Åre.

Photos from the programme

Kick-off meeting 14-18 October 2024 in Galway, Ireland.