
Kick off for the Leadership Training Programme

During the MERSES project meeting in Galway, Ireland, in October, eleven social entrepreneurs from Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and Ireland had the opportunity to explore their leadership as the Leadership Training Programme started up.


During one week in October, the Leadership Training programme started up in Galway, Ireland. A group of eleven partcipants from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Ireland met under the leading of the Social Enterprise Academy, SEA. The aim of the Leadership Training Programme in the MERSE project is to pilot new procedures and transfer practices and develop a peer-to-peer learning concept for Rural Social Enterprises. 

The distribution of the training programme will partly be online and partly on-site over the course of 1.5 years. It will provide training, tools and methods for facilitating the support of social enterprise development, based on the needs of rural social enterprises across the five project countries. 

Read more about the Leadership Training Programme here.

The week in Galway included a Leadership Workshop where the participants had the opportunity to investigate their own leadership and plan their actions in the project going forward.

After the ‘in-person’ programme, the facilitators will have the opportunity to apply learning on their own, within their own context. The group will reconnect quarterly, with Online Connect Sessions exploring opportunities and challenges and developing a sustainable Community of Practice.

About Social Enterprise Academy

SEA – Social Enterprise Academy focuses on supporting and developing social enterprises through education, mentorship, and networking. They offer programs and tools to help entrepreneurs and leaders who aim to create positive social change through their businesses. SEA – Social Enterprise Academy is particularly aimed at social entrepreneurs working to solve societal problems, such as poverty, unemployment, or environmental issues, and helps them build sustainable and effective enterprises. Read more about them here. 

The Leadership Training Programme 2024-2026


Kick off for the Leadership Training Programme