
Project meeting in Ireland

15-16 October, the project members met for a third partner meeting. This time the meeting venue was Údarás na Gaeltachta in Galway, Ireland.


In 15-16 October, the project members of MERSE had a third project meeting, this time in Galway, Ireland. During the first day, we were welcomed to the meeting venue at Údarás na Gaeltachta by Rónán Mac Con Iomaire and started the day by sharing experiences about what we all have been working on since our last meeting. The day also consisted of planning for the next WP and learning more about communicating through video in a workshop about filming. The day ended with a group work. 

During the second day, the project team took the ferry out to the Aran Island Inis Mór to visit local entrepreneurs. The first stop was at The Aran Islands Co-op Recycling Project Athchúrsáil Árann where Gerry Mullin welcomed us and told us all about their work as a waste management and recycling service to the community of the three Aran Islands.

After that we visited Micheál Ó Goill at the Aran Community Development Co-Operative Comharchumann Forbartha Árann and Avril Ní Shearcaigh at Comharchumann Fuinnimh Oileáin Árann / Aran Islands Energy Co-Operative – a community owned energy cooperative.

Parallel to the project meeting, eleven social entrepreneurs from Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and Ireland, invited by MERSE, also had the opportunity to explore their leadership in a leadership program carried out by The Social Enterprise Academy (SEA). SEA focuses on supporting and developing social enterprises through education, mentorship, and networking by offering programs and tools to help entrepreneurs and leaders who aim to create positive social change through their businesses. They are particularly aiming at social entrepreneurs working to solve societal problems, such as poverty, unemployment, or environmental issues, and helps them build sustainable and effective enterprises. 

Other project meetings and events


Project meeting in Iceland


MERSE Kick-off in Östersund

Past event
Online conference in Zoom

What is needed to make it easier to start and develop sustainable social enterprises in rural areas?