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INNOCAP videos
Watch here all the project videos about INNOCAP sessions, meetings and the progress of the Capacity Building Programme.
INNOCAP Meeting Donegal
The INNOCAP project meeting funded by Interreg NPA was held on October 8-9, 2024, in Donegal, Ireland, and hosted by lead partner ERNACT.
The project kicks-off!
INNOCAP meeting in Letterkenny (Ireland)
How to build public sector innovation capacity?
Lukasz Porwol from University of Galway about providing enhanced quality and sustainable public services.
Testing emerging technologies!
Partners visit the Fanad Lighthouse TIDE VR experience in Donegal (Ireland).
Launch of the Capacity Building Programme
Partners meet in Galway (Ireland) to continue delivering public services driven by disruptive innovations.
IoT and nature-based solutions
Daragh McDonough from Donegal County Council (Ireland) about the solutions they want to implement.
Data collection to map GIS technologies
Toni Ryynänen from Ruralia Institute - University of Helsinki (Finland) about the solutions for a green and digital transition in municipalities.
Digitalising waste information
Elísabet Björney from SASS about the pilot to provide municipalities in South Iceland with a good waste management system.
Digital-driven solutions
Osman Saidabdala & Mikael Bergström from ALAV about developing a digital innovation platform for public services.
Building INNOCAP Capacity Building Programme
Lukasz Porwol from Insight Centre about to- how innovate public services through the project.
Great minds think alike!
Project meetings, study visits, conferences, local events and much more: