Outputs & Results

Check the process, impact and outcomes of the HYBES project.

Main outputs

The main outputs of HYBES project are use of the Quadruple Helix approach and the Living Lab concept to develop and implement innovative actions that facilitate decarbonisation and advance carbon neutrality goals in each partner region. The project results are developing policies and solutions that enable this shift to decarbonisation within defined districts, as well as proactively encouraging and facilitating behaviour change with stakeholders and local communities to further climate change adaptation and promote energy efficiency.

Deliverables and Results

Download our rapports, deliverables, guides etc.


D1.1.1 Joint Action Plan For The HYBES Project (1)

Joint Action Plan for the HYBES project, provides an overview of the national, regional, and local policies, plans and legislation in place in each of the HYBES partner regions (Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and the Faroe Islands), creating a roadmap to maximise the potential of the quadruple helix actors in facilitating decarbonisation across the NPA region. The deliverable then outlines a Joint Action Plan (JAP) for the HYBES project.


D1.3.1 Living Labs Model As A Tool To Facilitate Behavioural Change For Decarbonisation (1)

The Living Lab is an essential component of HYBES as it sets the overall tone for engagement and capacity building as a means of delivering designated Decarbonisation Zones in rural and peripheral locations across the partner regions with a strong focus on enabling citizen engagement and capacity building to engage actors across the Quadruple Helix (public, government, business and academia).


D141 Report On Stakeholder Workshops Ans Key Recommendations For Policy (1)

This report provides details on the in-practice insights from partner regions experience of the initial phase of work to deliver stakeholder workshops. It captures the existing arrangements of the regions - creating a baseline current state view for realising research, learning and innovation in an open innovation (OI) ecosystem and with reference to the 3-layer local Living Lab Model outlined in the HYBES Report ‘Living Labs Model as a Tool to Facilitate Behavioural Change for Decarbonisation’ (D1.3.1).