Energy & Resource Recovery from Wastewater for Circular Economy

What we do

Wastewater is recognised as a renewable energy resource, and the source of many other nutrients that can be recovered and can contribute to achieve circular economy targets. However, current wastewater treatment plants & management practices in the region are not efficient enough to recover energy and nutrients that wastewater contains. ENFORCE aims to develop a resource efficient wastewater management model that will reduce water and environmental footprint of wastewater treatment provisions in the NPA regions to ensure sustainability.


ENFORCE is a bold initiative to change the view of treating wastewater in the NPA region. Currently, wastewater treatment is a utility service and maintenance, and operational costs are paid from public funds. The level of WWT practices varies from direct discharge to mechanical and advanced level treatment due to different regulations in the region. It is now widely accepted that wastewater is a resource and not a liability. Through suitable technology and improved management resources can be recovered and wastewater is recirculated in many sectors, making wastewater treatment plants environmentally and financially sustainable to achieve the SDGs in each region.

Project priority

Climate Change

Project period





Lead Partner

UiT, The Arctic University of Norway

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Project info


2.3 Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy

Total Budget

1.298.612,87 EUR

NPA Co-Financing

736.019,19 EUR

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