
Scanning and digitising artefacts from Jamtli's collection

Jamtli organized a scanning trip in collaboration with Tindved Kulturhage and Nord University, Norway for digitization of artifacts.


By utilizing photogrammetry and digital imaging technologies, 3D models of different artefacts were developed. These can be used to develop digital visualizations of cultural landscapes to share and revive their stories, as well as visualize local impacts of climate change to them. 


One of the scanned artefacts was a traditional Sami tool used in cheese and butter production. The artefact is at Havremagasinet, Jamtli's archive, handled with support from the team of antiquarians.  


The project aims to preserve and document the digital artifacts, increasing also accessibility and facilitating research opportunities. 


Stay updated on our work through our blog and social media channels! 

Kicked-off meeting


Kicked-off meeting

Past event

Cultural Heritage in Virtual Worlds