
Smart Solar Power for a Greener Future in Iceland

Challenges and benefits of solar energy in Iceland and its potential to inspire smarter renewable energy use in other communities


Image by Roy Buri from Pixabay

After launching the first in a series of pilot news item about Centria University of Applied Sciences' biogas plant, the University of Iceland has now introduced its own Community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP) as part of the COPOWER project. Led by Rúnar Unnþórsson from University of Iceland, this pilot explores innovative ways to optimise solar energy use in a shared household.

The pilot includes 10 solar panels, each 430 watts, installed on the roof of a cabin shared by three apartments. These panels are connected to a hybrid inverter and a 15 kWh battery storage system (BESS). The inverter manages energy use, deciding whether to draw power from the solar panels, battery, or the grid, depending on what is available and most cost-effective.

To make the system even smarter, the pilot is using artificial intelligence (AI) and special software to study energy use patterns in the three apartments. The goal is to help residents adjust their energy use and make the most of renewable power.

TempestOne weather station has also been set up to track important weather data, such as sunlight levels, temperature, wind speed, and rain. Since Iceland’s seasons affect solar power, with long, dark winters and bright summers, this data will help improve the system’s efficiency throughout the year.

In a video interview, Rúnar talks about the challenges and benefits of using solar energy in Iceland and explains how this project could inspire other communities to use renewable energy in a smarter way.

Stay tuned for more updates from the COPOWER project!

***This text has been partly generated by AI**



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