
Norway welcomes the CIRCNETS-team for a partner meeting

The CIRCNETS-team gathered together once again, this time in Norway to discuss the project advancement and to meet stakeholders


The third partner meeting of the CIRCNETS-project, hosted by NTNU, was held in Ålesund, a fishing town on the west coast of Norway, on the 13th to the 15th of May 2024. The meeting included both indoor and outdoor activities, starting with checking the progress in the work packages. The first deliverable report D.1.1.1 "Review of the current collection responsibilities and disposal practices in NPA fishing ports and aquaculture sector" has now been published, providing an overview of the current collection and disposal practices for EOL gear in the NPA ports (all the project reports can be found here). The next steps regarding both the other deliverable reports as well as the dissemination activities of the work packages were discussed and a work plan for the next reporting period was created. After sitting indoors, next on the agenda was a visit to the local fishing net company, Mørenot AS. There the partners got to see how fishing nets are made, which provided an important opportunity to learn practical knowledge.

On the second day of the meeting, it was time to reach out to stakeholders. NTNU hosted a European Maritime Day in My Country event, a hybrid seminar titled "Transition to Circular Economy of Fishing Gear". In the seminar, representatives of fishing gear producers, companies utilizing recycled plastics from fishing gear, and researchers working with these topics gave presentations on the different aspects of the circular economy of fishing gear. After the seminar, a workshop was held with various stakeholders to discuss the topics of the seminar more closely. The presentations of the seminar can be found here.

Interested in seeing more pictures from the meeting? Head to Resources!

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NTNU Ålesund, SMIA, Larsgårdsvegen 2, 6009 Ålesund, Norway

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