Collection, treatment and reuse of used fishing gear - an EMD in My Country webinar on 12.9.2024

What shall we do with the broken nets? If you are pondering this question early in the morning, don't worry, we have a few ideas that we want to share with you!

Register Deadline
Western Development Commission and CIRCNETS partners

The second life of fishing nets - from collection to recycling

Western Development Commission will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, 12th of September, which will focus on collection, treatment and recycling of used fishing gear. This event is the first webinar to be organised in the CIRCNETS project and also an EMD in My Country event, so participants from every corner of Europe and beyond are welcome to join us. 

If you want to know more about collection of end-of-life fishing gear and what can be done with them, this event is for you. The main attraction of the webinar is the three case studies from different corners of the NPA region. We have speakers from Sweden, where a municipality run collection model is working well; From Oceanize, based in Norway, who are implementing circular practices in the aquaculture industry and from NovelPlast in Ireland who have explored various ways to incorporate end of life fishing gear into their operations. 

Registration closes on Tuesday, 10th of September, so remember to sign-up for the webinar before the deadline. You will receive a link to the webinar after signing up.  

Programme of the event (Start at 13:00 Central European Summer Time/UTC+2)

Opening & WelcomeCiara Herity, Western Development Commission (Project Partner & WP lead)

 Overview of CIRCNETS projectNiko Hänninen, University Of Oulu (Project Leader)

Overview of Workshops in Norway in May 2024 & Plans for further workshops – Siv Marina Flø Grimstad, Norwegian University of Science & Technology (Project Partner & WP lead)

Opportunities – both for efficient collection & business models (in collection and products)

  • A Blueprint for Collection, Sorting and Recycling of Marine waste – Thomas Eriksson, Site Manager/Marine Recycling,  Fiskereturen Project, Sotenäs Municipality, Sweden
  • Circular Economy in the AquaCulture Industry – Maliheh Salimi, Product Quality Manager, Oceanize AS, Norway
  • Potential for Irish solutions: Treatment & Reuse of used Fishing gear Sharon Barrington, CEO, IFF Plastics, Co. Clare, Ireland

Q's & A’s session

End of the webinar around 14.30 Central European Summer Time/UTC+2

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Siv Ciara Herity (



Presentations from Transition to Circular Economy of Fishing Gear seminar

Past event
NTNU Ålesund, SMIA, Larsgårdsvegen 2, 6009 Ålesund, Norway

Transition to Circular Economy of Fishing Gear - a hybrid EMD in My Country seminar on 15.5.2024


Two CIRCNETS Events Included in the European Maritime Day in My Country Programme