Building Bridges of Shared Capacity between Scientists, Policymakers, and Communities


Rural northern regions have rich, sensitive, and crucial biodiversity. Its conservation is linked with the capacity of the area’s scientists, policymakers, and communities to collaborate. By bringing people together in actions that are centered on communities and focused on vulnerable stakeholders, CAP-SHARE aims to find more effective ways to work together for the protection of biodiversity - for the future of our region’s nature, culture, and heritage.

CAP-SHARE online workshops

The CAP-SHARE project is hosting a series of four recorded (2-3 hour) online workshops that will be published online.

Each online workshop will have current or ongoing examples of projects who have successful experience in each workshop theme.

Based on these themes each workshop will create a draft section of the strategy for capacity sharing. This will then be implemented at the local and international community development activities in 2025-2027.


1st workshop: Capacity Sharing for Biodiversity as Community and Regional Development

2nd workshop: Recognizing Local and Indigenous Knowledge
Date 9th December 2024.

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Our objectives

The goal of the project is to empower young people and strengthen the relationship between scientists, policymakers, and Arctic communities when it comes to decision-making regarding the protection of biodiversity and climate change mitigation. Our objectives are to develop a model for effective capacity sharing towards biodiversity preservation and climate resilience within Arctic communities; and to promote cooperation between communities, scientists, and policymakers.

Photo: Interreg NPA CAP-SHARE, Cécile Chauvat

Project priority

Cooperation Opportunities

Project period





Lead Partner

Icelandic Museum of Natural History

Go to website

Project info


3.1 Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies

Total Budget

794.241,80 EUR

NPA Co-Financing

428.772,12 EUR

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