
ASTRIC at the AIR (Associations of Irish Regions)

ASTRIC attended at the AIR (Associations of Irish Regions) training and seminar event today in Ireland. One of the partners in the ASTRIC project is the AIM Centre in Ireland.


Pictured is Dr. Elena Bezborodova, PROGRAMME MANAGER at AIM Centre, part of the ASTRIC project.


We are thrilled to participate in the Regions in Focus 2025 annual Training Seminar this week, hosted by the Associations of Irish Regions.

"Engaging in discussions on evolving governance, EU and place-based policies, and the evolving planning space aligns with AIM's commitment to regional development and collaboration with the ASTRIC project"

Thank you to Dr Travis O Doherty at Northern and Western Regional Assembly for the opportunity to attend and showcase ASTRIC.

Pictured is Dr. Elena Bezborodova, PROGRAMME MANAGER at AIM Centre along with Dr. Travis O’Doherty from Northern & Western Regional Assembly.

And this is what happend today at the AIR (Associations of Irish Regions) training and seminar event today in Ireland.

A great event to share and talk about ASTRIC. 

Engaging in discussions on evolving governance, EU and place-based policies, and the evolving planning space aligns with the ASTRIC project's and AIM's commitment to regional development and collaboration.

Please look in our project web page for coming events where you can meet with us and discuss more.

Feel free at all times connect with us also via email och social media.

ASTRIC at the AIR (Associations of Irish Regions) training and seminar event today in Ireland


ASTRIC at the AIR (Associations of Irish Regions)