Empowering NPA Communities by Implementing STEM Ecosystems as a Tool for Navigating Change.

What we do

We Empower Communities! Due to the rapid changes rural NPA communities face, there is an urgent need for skill-building and adaptation. High-quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) experience, skills and knowledge, with a special emphasis on equity and access can help to empower and equip communities facing the challenges of the future. This project proposes to use the evidence-based U.S. STEM Ecosystems model to strengthen the organizational capacity among NPA communities and empower communities to build skills for the 21st century.

Launch of Arctic STEM Communities

This summer, the Arctic STEM Communities project, funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme of the European Union (NPA Interreg) under Priority 3, was launched. The project is led by STEM Húsavík, with support from the Þekkingarnet Þingeyinga (Húsavík Academic Center). It was also the first project to receive funding under the program’s new priority, aimed at strengthening collaboration among institutions in the Arctic. Alongside Iceland, participating countries include Finland and Ireland.

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Arctic STEM Communities

Three communities in the Arctic Region; Húsavík, Northeast Iceland, Galway, West-Ireland and Rovaniemi, Lapland, Northern Finland work to implement and/or expand the U.S. model of STEM Learning Ecosystems in their community to benefit rural areas, with special emphasis on equity and access.

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Our objectives

The overall objective of this project is to establish or expand three community-based STEM Ecosystems to build capacity within the partnering NPA communities.

By building cross-sector partnerships and international collaborations the project will identify and address shared challenges around girls and/or women in STEM.

By forging common solutions and strategies this project will result in a STEM Ecosystems Community Manual for dissemination to other NPA communities for prosperity and resilience.

Follow the project timeline

Follow us for the timeline and milestones of the Arctic STEM Communities project & enjoy the journey with us!

1. Connecting Community Leaders

Following the start of the project in June 2023, three community leaders, one from each community (Húsavík, Galway and Rovaniemi) met virtually with an expert on the STEM Learning Ecosystems model the to identify possible members of the ecosystem in each community, that would then be invited to take part in establishing an ecosystem at the community level.

2. Establishing STEAM Galway

In late August Ecosystem leader from Húsavík and NPA project manager, Huld Hafliðadóttir, along with Bridget Burger, expert in STEM Learning Ecosystems, visited Galway to guide the establishment of STEAM Galway Ecosystem.

3. Establishing LUMA Rovaniemi

In early November, Ecosystem leader from Húsavík and NPA project manager, Huld Hafliðadóttir, along with Bridget Burger, expert in STEM Learning Ecosystems, visited Rovaniemi in Lapland to guide the establishment of the LUMA Rovaniemi Ecosystem.

4. NORTHERN SKILLS Conference - Being the change!

As part of the INTERREG Northern Periphery and Arctic programme annual event in Skellefteå in Sweden in November 2024, Huld took part in the panel discussion: Change is happening right here, right now! Where she talked about the skills needed to navigating the future NPA, where she introduced the model and how important it is to include the whole community in the education of children and youth for the benefit of all.

5. NORTHERN SKILLS Conference - Work with us!

As part of the INTERREG Northern Periphery and Arctic programme annual event in Skellefteå in Sweden in November 2024, Bridget participated in an interactive session, a platform to pitch current projects and potential project ideas and partners for future collaborations and partnerships, where she shared to journey of our amazing pilot project Arctic STEM Communities.

6. Choosing of pilot projects

During the period of December 2023 to May 2024 each of the three ecosystems went through the process of evaluation and choosing a pilot project to implement in their community as the newly established/expanded Ecosystems.

Behind the scenes

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Project priority

Cooperation Opportunities

Project period





Lead Partner

Husavik Academic Center

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Project info


3.1 Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies

Total Budget

197.490,00 EUR

NPA Co-Financing

128.368,50 EUR


Successful Visit to Rovaniemi


Launch of Arctic STEM Communities

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