
EU Arctic Forum programme announced

The European Commission and the European External Action Service will organise a high-level EU Arctic Forum and the Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue on 14 and 15 May 2024 in Brussels.


A broad range of Arctic stakeholders representing governments, international organisations, civil society, industry, research, indigenous and local communities will feed into the discussions. Youth perspectives will feature prominently throughout the event.

The EU Arctic Forum will provide an opportunity to assess recent developments in the Arctic and to discuss challenges ahead. It will look at some of the achievements of the EU Arctic policy in recent years and will continue to provide a strategic outlook for the years to come. The Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue will offer a platform for discussion on Arctic matters affecting Indigenous Peoples.


Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue

The EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue will include keynote addresses and panel sessions focusing, among others, on international cooperation, sustainable and inclusive economic development in the Arctic, human and societal matters, addressing the risks and challenges posed by climate change, Arctic partnerships, or research, innovation and Arctic knowledge.


EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues

In addition, this year the EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues become a full segment in the programme. Building on the experience of the EU Arctic Forum 2023 in Nuuk and the overall objectives of the EU Arctic policy, the EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues have been envisioned and implemented with Arctic and European youth as co-creators, with notable involvement of Arctic Indigenous youth. The EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues will take place in the afternoon of 15 May, back-to-back to the EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue.


Register here, until 29th April.

Download the programme here.

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