Monitoring Committee
The Monitoring Committee (MC) is in charge of supervising the programme. Its overall task is to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the programme's implementation. The MC is also responsible for the selection of project applications.
What we do
The Monitoring Committee (MC) is the decision making body of Interreg NPA Programme. Each programme partner country is represented on the committee with its national and regional representatives (for some regions only one representative is selected) and decisions are made by consensus. In addition, the European Commission attends meetings of the MC in an advisory capacity together with other permanent observers as listed below. The MC is overlooking the Programme´s implementation, can decide the thematic focus of the calls, and is responsible for selecting the approved applications.
Ms Margretha Jacobsen
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Mr Petri Haapalainen
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Mr Heikki Ojala
Council of Oulu Region
Mr Ole Fjordgaard Kjær
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Business and Trade
Ms Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir
Ministry of Transport and Local Government
Ms Sigridur Elin Thordardottir
The Icelandic Regional Development Institute - Byggðastofnun
Mr Mike McGrath
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Mr Denis Kelly
Northern and Western Regional Assembly
Ms Lisbeth Nylund
Ministry of Local Government and Regional development
Mr Stig Olsen
Nordland County Council
Mr Rasmus Bergander
Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure
Ms Nina Björby
Region Västerbotten
European Commission
Government of Canada/Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Nordic Atlantic Cooperation - NORA
Arctic Youth Network
Nordic Youth Council
Territorial Council of Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon
Monitoring Committee meetings
The Monitoring Committee meets indicatively twice a year in person in one of the programme regions, or in Copenhagen. During the year, other ad hoc virtual MC meetings might occur. A summary of the MC decisions is published after each meeting and is available on the News & Events page.
Striving for diversity and inclusion
The permanent observers at the Monitoring Committee include representative of neighbouring countries and representatives of underrepresented groups such as youth, indigenous peoples. The observers are encouraged to provide input into the discussion and comment on suggested project applications. Observers do not have a voting mandate.