Our team is ready to assist you in every step of your journey. Whether you are seeking guidance on project development, clarifications about the application processes, or simply exploring ways to engage with the NPA community.

What we do
The Joint Secretariat (JS) carries out the day-to-day operational administration of the Interreg NPA Programme. It consists of a small team based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Secretariat is happy to assist with any queries regarding project ideas, partnerships, draft applications, project management, etc. The Secretariat is responsible for the assessment of project applications and in the drafting of decision proposals for approval or non-approval. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult and involve the Secretariat in the development of their projects. The Joint Secretariat works in close cooperation with the Regional Contact Points.
Joint Secretariat team

Christopher Parker
Programme Manager for Project Development Support

Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme Secretariat Strandgade 91, 4th floor, DK-1401 Copenhagen K DENMARK
Where to find us
The offices of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme Secretariat are based in the North Atlantic House (Nordatlantens Brygge) in Copenhagen. The Secretariat is easy to reach by metro from Copenhagen Airport. The nearest metro station “Christianshavn” is at walking distance from the office (10 minutes). Alternatively, a taxi ride from the airport will take approximately 30 minutes.